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... (write memory in 16bit)ewed
... (write memory in 32bit)eddb | db | db - ( 8bit show)dbdw | dw | dw - (16bit show)dwdd | dd | dd - (32bit show)ddj
(jump to 'address' and run)jreboot (reboot system)reboottestkey (test key)testkeyhistory (show command history)historycls (clear screen)clsquit (exit shell)quithelp (show help information)help? (show help information)? %-10s : %s %s %s>PROM-0.01 %s %s %s%c%s Invalid command, type '?' or 'help' to get help. ******************************************************************************** * SHELL *EFFFFFFFFFFF4EFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFhFEFFEHH̀HԀH܀HIIIHIIH%3d %%' Z-Modem: Establishing Connection with Sender ... Z-Modem: Can't Establish Connection with Sender !! 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